Friday 1 July 2011

Ready the France-ing

Hey all!

Super quick note to update you on our doings and goings.

I had a few disappointed sideways looks from one Joshua Bell for not putting 'ing' at the end of my head-ings... (haha) therefore I will, from now on, be an ing-er. (Josh would also like it to be known that he was not at all passive-aggressive, he was indeed vocal with his disappointment).

We have not done a great deal since the last blog. We went to Brighton and were witness to an electrical storm that was magnificent from the pebble beach.

We saw two comedic plays, one called Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead, and the other being The Government Inspector.

Rosencrantz and guildenstern being two comedic characters from Hamlet that die (as do basically all in Hamlet), the playwright, Tom Stoppard, wished to take the two and place them inside their own play. It was brilliant wordplay from the beginning.

Rosencrantz: I don't believe in it anyway.
Guildenstern: What?
Rosencrantz: England.
Guildenstern: Just a conspiracy of cartographers, then?

The Government Inspector had Julian Barratt playing the 'mayor' (Howard Moon) and the actor who played 'the government inspector' looked and acted spookily like Josh, but with orange hair... need I say more...

Otherwise, we have had a pretty lazy week. I am almost finished reading book 10 in the Wheel of Time and have played a few hours of monkey island 4. Josh is reading Dune and went last night to a concert with Sarah to see arcade fire. We visited forbidden planet together, the nerdiest store in the universe...

We are off to France now and should be uncontactable for 9 days, so it may be a while until you receive word, Josh should have many words for you then.


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