Thursday 9 June 2011


England is Beautiful.

The first view of the British Isles reminded me of a better version of tropical Queensland; fresh, green, wet and a little bit magical.

Let us back-track.

Josh left you in Kuala Lumpur at 12am Australia time when he feared he had burst an eardrum, facebook was not working and I was far too tired to properly organize anything. When remembering the Malaysian airport, I question how no Australian airport has anything as cool as an inbuilt tram system running throughout, and am reminded of being dutifully led by the hand, so as not to fall asleep whilst walking.

I don't completely think that the Australian desert looked like a wasteland, but it was scarred, worn and ancient. A living contradiction to its young colonial history. You could certainly believe that it was billions of years old.

Flying night-wise over the townships of Indonesia and Malaysia was like stepping over another world. The lines and bunches of glittering houses, boats, roads, cars and street lights that were weaving around rivers of water, looked like pulsing white veins.

After Kuala Lumpur everything is a blur of sunless and broken sleep, that was only relieved 8 hours later somewhere at the very beginning of a foggy Russia (Russia is huge! it took up 1/3 of the rest of the flight!). Josh, being wonderful, dealt with me bouncing on my seat in excitement and we watched the rest of 'The Lost Room'.

Our border control lady had a Welsh accent and I told her she had a lovely voice, Sarah (Joshua's sister) drove us (our first English traffic jam!) to her cute house in Northwest London (lots of books!) and I met Sarah's partner Phil, who has a wonderful Liver-pud-lian accent, and who also seems a wonderful person.

England is beautiful.

Even as I write this, groggy, battered and only a little less asleep than Joshua right now, I want to run out into the rainy/ sunny day (apparently you can have both) and see everything all at once.

Mon & Josh

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