Friday 17 June 2011

First week-ing here.


It has been a while since i have updated this blog. Here is the overview of us.
So in non-chronological order for your inconvenience!

We went to the British Museum. It was huge. I expected big, but i think England have probably won that pissing competition with most countries. Highlights were; Mummies, Ball bearing powered clocks, and huge Egyptian Lion-mans who guarded dead men. We got through about 3 hours here today, but we ran out of steam and will go back later. We went through tourist traps after that, getting back into the rain.

Being sick from some cold/flu from Australia that we may have infected the UK with has been interesting. Has made us start this trip much slower than planned.

We have been to the garrick theatre and saw Pygmalion. There was a pair of binoculars that we rented for a pound. Not sure if i like them or dislike them still. Better viewing of faces on the stage, but i think it brought me out of the action when used... Rupert Everett did well, but on a whole the show was 2 stars for me. The lady one Kara Tointon, sucked energy out of any scenes she was in. I felt like they got her since she was a "Hot chick", maybe it was an off night for her, but there was very little connection with the lines. Going to see the lion king, Much ado about nothing (Oh Mr Tennant), and the government inspector (With Julian Barret for you mighty Boosh fans) plus much more, i'll let you know.

Rain, rain and more rain has been here, so far, yesterday was the only day that it did not rain. Authentic. That being said, i probably can't complain too much, we still ran away from the biting cold of canberra in winter.
On the subject of authentic, the first day we were here, got stuck in an hour long traffic jam. I think that i dislike cars more than i normally do in London. There are just more of them to hate.

We have discovered Linda Mcartney's veggie sausages. They are amazing. I think i could happily eat just them for the rest of my life. Loads and loads of nice food here actaully, by the time many of you see me next. i will be a fat man.

The nature here has been great. So far we have encountered; deer, squirrels, bumble bees, wood pigeons and red robbins - Mon has seen a white swan in Hyde park, which i'm envious of.

Catching the Tube lots, which is probably the most i've ever felt like a cog in a machine. For those of you who have seen the old film metropolis, when the people are going to/ leaving work at the start of the film. It is the closest i've come to that... reading on it is nice though.

Best be off to bed now internert-land. Going to a country-market tomorrow with sarah and phil  (Wooo dog show!) - and then York.

Please tell me what you are interested in with me writing the blog, otherwise you might just get reports on Wood pigeons.



  1. I hope you return a fat man.

  2. I miss ya kid.

  3. i'm interested but i'd like to see more intrigue, dancing and kung fu. i am disappointed with the level of kung fu here also. ten points for puppets making an appearance. if you can't tell who is writing this then i will mention 'china' and 'bicycycycle' and if you need anymore clues then you are no longer my brother

  4. also google made me sign in, so it should be pretty obvious
